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On November 1, 2021, the decree that creates the Voluntary Labor Verification Program (“VLVP”) was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

What does it mean?

The VLVP is an alternative mechanism of inspection that aims to assist employers in their compliance with labor regulations.

Who is it for?

Employers that voluntarily seek to adopt this alternative mechanism of inspection.

What is the benefit?

Those employers who enroll in this program and satisfactorily comply with the requirements set forth therein, will be exempted from ordinary inspection visits, without implying that the labor authority waives its rights to monitor compliance with labor obligations.

How many segments will the platform have?

  1. General Conditions of Work

  2. Development and Training

  3. Security and health

  4. Other labor aspects

When will it start operating?

The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare has 60 calendar days after the publication of the decree to publish the operating rules for the use of the platform.

What should be done at this time?

Contact Toulet & Gottfried (Lic. Abril Durán) in order to be informed about the actions that your company must take in preparation for the operating rules to be issued.

At Toulet & Gottfried, updating is our commitment to keep our clients informed of constant legal changes.

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