Anahí Huereca

(+52) (656) 627-00-00
Attorney at law at Toulet & Gottfried since February 2022. She was part of the committee of interns in the National Association of Company Attorneys, Bar Association, A.C. (ANADE Colegio) from March 2021 to January 2022, where she participated in the program to continue legal education and technological updating for lawyers, as well as improved update of legal practice, acquiring information, experiences, knowledge, methods, and legal techniques of the different branches of law.
During her academic studies she had the opportunity to work as a professional assistant at the head of legal sciences of the UACJ, performing functions of administrative assistant and in the preparation of articles and legal research, developing a high level of commitment and participated in the most varied activities, which allowed her to distinguish herself and receive the award for the most comprehensive student. She was an active member within the H. University Council participating in the analysis and discussion of issues and projects of an academic, political, legal, and budgetary nature, as well as the preparation of guidelines, regulations, and agreements. Consecutively she served as secretary of the H. Electoral Commission of the UACJ where she acquired knowledge in procedures and regulations in electoral matters.
She performed functions as an intern at the Law Firm of the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, attending mainly to the resolution of problems and legal situations of the Ciudad Juárez community using alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and providing legal advice or consultations in civil, commercial, family and labor matters.
Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Law Degree.