By: Bridget Guzmán
Dear clients and friends:
Please be reminded that companies that have a Manufacturing, Maquiladora and Export Service Industry program (“IMMEX”) or Sector Promotion program (“PROSEC”) or both, have the obligation to submit, through the Mexican Foreign Trade Single Window (“VUCEM”), the Annual Sales and Export Report (“RAOCE”) corresponding to fiscal year 2020. It is important to consider that, for the filing of said report, among other requirements, you must have the verification of your address as located within the Federal Taxpayers Registry (“RFC”). Likewise, the authority will verify that the addresses registered before the Ministry of Economy (“SE”) are registered and/or active in the RFC.

If they made modifications regarding the address of the company before the Tax Administration Service (“SAT”), the registration must also be made in VUCEM, in order to deregister and register the corresponding address (es) again.
It is of the utmost importance to consider that in the event that the VUCEM system does not validate the address of the company, the RAOCE may NOT be filled, which may result in the suspension and/or the cancellation of the IMMEX and/or PROSEC programs.
The deadlines for the filing of the RAOCE are:
IMMEX program. Deadline is no later than May 31, 2021.
PROSEC program. Deadline is no later than April 30, 2021.
Both PROSEC and IMMEX. Deadline is no later than April 30, 2021.
At Toulet & Gottfried we can assist you with this and other matters. Do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience.
Tomás A. Edison 1510-201 Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua 32300 P.O. Box 9398, El Paso, TX 79995
México: (656) 627.0000
US Direct line: (915) 613.0192